Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baseball Games Are A Great Place To Meet Singles

Survey says 74% of single women view baseball games as a great way to meet men
A survey of over 8,500 singles, found that over 2/3 of women, but only half of men think a baseball game is a good place to take a date. What's more, nearly 3/4 (74%) of women think a baseball game is a good place to meet men.
However, if going to a game is part of your dating repertoire, leave the cell phone at home. 38% of men responded that they find talking on cell phones more annoying than complaining about the seats (33%) or acting completely uninterested in the game (28%).
If you've met someone you like, going to a sporting event can be a great idea for a date – it's a fun and casual atmosphere, you're outdoors and it's an activity that you both enjoy, however, the length of a game does not make it appropriate for the first date. It's Just Lunch recommends lunch or a drink after work for first dates.
Why do men and women get along so well at games? Men are accepting when it comes to not being there for the last out; 77% said they would understand if their date wanted to leave a game early.
The survey also revealed that 90% of women brush up on baseball fundamentals before games, either by reading the sports page (31%), learning the names of key players (30%), or making sure they understand the rules of the game (29%).
Chivalry is not dead, at least among baseball fans. 84% of men said if they caught a ball in the stands, they would give it to their date; although 5% of men would rather make some money than be chivalrous and sell the baseball on ebay.
As far as the players themselves, who would women most like to date? 40% of single women believe Derek Jeter is the sexiest baseball player.
The infield takes the prize for the sexiest positions: 54% find the pitcher to be the sexiest; 32% think shortstops are sexier. Sorry outfield, only 8% of respondents found you the sexiest.
Additional survey highlights:
· 31% of men think 9 innings is too long, 7 innings would be better, compared to the vast majority of women (85%) who think 9 innings is about right.
· 67% of men feel scoreboard marriage proposals are too public or embarrassing, while 32% of women think they are romantic and sweet.
· If singles had great seats for Opening Day, 37% of men would take someone they want to ask out on a first date, while 29% of women would take a colleague and 13% would take their dad.
· 41% of women are okay with their significant other watching 1 game a week; with 26% saying 2-3 games a week is enough, although 8% of women won't even consider dating someone who watches sports all the time.
· Nearly 1/3 of women have gone to a sports bar solely to meet men.
· Baseball players are cuter than basketball and football players according to 37% of female singles. 7% thought it was because they sweat less.
· The sexes agree. 51% of singles think the New York Yankees are the best looking American League team. As for the National League, 33% of women think the Chicago Cubs are the most attractive team.

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