Friday, January 30, 2009

Keeping Track of Baseball - Baseball Scorebook Options For You

A baseball scorebook is used by team managers or coaches in keeping track of their team's numbers and record each of the player's history, tournament play, and team placement. Depending on what needs tracking, a baseball scorebook may feature different headings and subheadings for easy organization.

Types of baseball scorebooks

In as much as each scorebook may be customized to suit the needs of each team, there are two general types of baseball scorebooks that are available in the market today, the manual and electronic baseball scorebooks. Mostly spiral bound, manual scorebooks are portable notebooks in form, complete with the required stat sheets. Stat sheets included in manual scorebooks can contain those needed for batting positions, game-by-game records for each player, games and innings, pictorial scoring, and prefigured batting averages. Continuous batting and slo-pitch scorebooks are also available. An electronic baseball scorebook, on the other hand, is a software program designed for tracking down a team's game-by-game and season-to-date statistics. Since an electronic baseball scorebook features more extensive space for information compared to a manual scorebook, schedules, biographical information, and statistical report for certain opponents, may be recorded, on top of the normal team and game history.

How to choose: some buying tips

If you're going to use a manual scorebook, go for one that comes with hard covers so you won't need to put the scorebook down on a solid surface before you can write on it. The hard cover will give you the kind of support you need.

If you're opting for an electronic baseball scorebook, make sure that the software you choose is compatible with the kind of operating system your current computer has.

Since it's possible to run into trouble with electronic scorebooks, look for one that offers free technical assistance and support through toll-free numbers you can call at any time.

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